Thursday, July 21, 2005

My First Public Conservative Librarian Comments

The following comes from my participation in a librarian's listserve on June 29, 2003. I had made brief comments hinting at my conservative leanings before, however, I think this was the first extensive writing I ever did. It was in response to comments made regarding a rumored comment Dr. Laura made about public libraries being evil and unsafe for children. I was responding to the listserv comments, not the original statement by Dr. Laura, as I didn't hear it myself and I'm not sure many of the listserv members did either.

Hi All,
I find the discussion about this "rumor" interesting. So, I guess I'll step up on my soap box once before my maternity leave begins. (Maybe I'm hormonally driven, forgive me if I offend.) ---baby born July 1, 2003---

First of all, I'm sure many of us have found ourselves in predicaments with unsupervised kids. We should not and cannot be responsible for supervising kids of any age. Many parents believe that is part of our job. Parents need to be aware, on the most basic level, libraries, like any other public places are not necessarily "safe places" to leave kids. Let's be honest, some of our visitors may be on questionable character and yes, that my include a child molester or terroist.

Regarding our collections, Personally, I believe parents should consider the content of the materials in the library. We preach the doctrine of anti-censorship as a profession and so we should. However, we are primarily in the business of information. Parents have a right and responsibility to raise their children accourding to their value system. We should help support that freedom. If a patron asks me to recommend a "clean" book for a child, I suggest they read they read the title, as I am not qualified to make a personal parental judgement for someone else. That too is suggesting a form of parental supervision.

Regarding internet use in libraries: Sure, most of it is pretty innocent. However, parents need to be aware that filters are an imperfect tool. We have filters at my library and I can't tell you how many nights while shutting down our computers I've had to close up pornographic sights that have slipped through the filters.

I guess I am tired of hearing people in my profession of 14 years make negative statements about groups, particularly religious, who inform parents about the content of some of the materials in our facilities. Why is it so wrong to recommend to concerned parents that they need to pay attention to their children's use of the library?

Okay, I admit, I'm conservative and Christian, but I'm not a big Dr. Laura fan. I do think, however, that we as a profession need to let conservative groups know that we can help support their information needs as well as the liberal groups. We are not an evil place!


38 weeks pregnant and it is 90 outside!

I was thrilled that some people actually appreciated my comments. In fact, the tone of the discussion took on a more positive timbre after I posted.


Blogger Norma said...

Nice that it became more positive. Good job.

2:59 PM  

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