Friday, June 03, 2005

Generation Gap?!?

I just spent a half an hour or so responding to an article I read on "Cafe: Stirring the Spirit Within", a forum hosted (?) by the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. (My synood)

The topic was feminism. After I responded, I read that the forum was for women, ages 24-35. At 40, I guess I'm too old to "get it". I thought the "X" and "Y" women had learned something from the Baby Boomers. Now, I'm not so sure that feminism is all bad, but the feminist movement sure did a number on us! I am glad that society does not restrict me because of my gender and that I have a degree to fall back on in case my husband is unable to work, etc. However, coming of age in the 80's, young women were told we SHOULD have it all! In the midst of pursuing the perfect body; excelling in sports, academics, and the arts; obtaining the degrees to have the great career; having lots of premarital sex (abortions, diseases); all the while dreaming about the heavenly husband and beautiful babies. I missed a lot of the premarital sex, but I think somewhere I lost sight of God the Father, (and Son and Holy Spirit). I don't remember even being told that I should try to find out what God wanted for my life and I was in the Church and part of a Christian family.

I found myself at 25 with a master's and career. All I really wanted was to love my husband and children. Unfortunately, the men of my era were counting on the women to have careers, so that they could "have it all" too. (The one I picked out when I was 25 didn't want to have a "regular" job, so I could earn the money while he pursued his "dreams".)

Ultimately, I let God take over and He blessed me with a help mate and two beautiful daughters. I have a wonderful church family and I am able to use my degrees to help out with expenses.

I was also really bothered by some of the article written by Rev. Elyse Nelson Winger:

She quotes Genesis 1:27 'So God created humankind in [God's]Image, in the image of God[God]created them; male and female [God] created them.' Then she continues by saying, "This verse is rich and complex, but what I love about it is that both male and female are created in God's image--which means that God is neither male nor female! God is indeed beyond gender. Yet, both male and female reflect the image of God, which might be better imaged as light, power, love, ground, or source."

I'm sorry, God is my Father! HE is all of the things Rev. Winger says, but above all, HE is FATHER God!

The Bible is filled with strong woman and a deep respect for the female. Why do we have to bend gender in sacred texts???

I admit, I am not focused enough to really defend my position on this blog. I don't want to have to think that hard, but this really gets my blood boiling!!!


Blogger Norma said...

These folks would have lost me with vol.1, no.1 which was on how wonderful Yoga is. It isn't an exercise plan, it is a way to get in touch with that spiritual being we are all part of. It is Eastern religion.

12:26 PM  
Blogger Susan said...

Yes, in fact the yoga topic is how I stumbled upon them. I was actually doing a "Christian Yoga" routine for a while and got turned off. I'm just gonna stick to secular exercize routines and prayer walks!

If my congregation ever starts to show signs of becoming too ELCA, I'll have to reconsider.

The pastor from my previous ELCA church was a guy I grew up with. We both went to the same schools and AMerican LUtheran Church. He said he has a hard time with a lot of the ELCA stuff too, so I don't feel too bad.

4:29 PM  

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