Sunday, March 06, 2005

Blessed to be a Blessing

My mom has this on a plaque out on her back porch. I won't assume that I blessed anyone with my playing in church today, but I was sure blessed being able to do it. I played very simple notes on my cello and yet, it seemed so rich to me. Just to be able to have the instrument and play it. I don't play much right now as I have my kids and husband and church and job and a new passion for knitting. However, I'm going to do my best to work on the Bach Suite in G (most recently heard in a dog food commercial) this week. The girls like it when I play...they love to dance along and the little one likes to "help" me play, too. The little one knows that mamma plays the "tcello" and daddy plays the "kitar". Daddy played the kitar with mamma at the second service today. It is always nice to play together too.

My big girl (7 1/2) comes home from her weekend with her dad. The "Daddy-Daughter Dance" was on Saturday. She was so worried he'd forget the tickets and he did. She reminded him in time to get them, so I'm sure they went and had a good time. We will have some private time to share on the ride home from our meeting spot. I don't ask for details, I just let her talk about what she wants and I try to remain neutral. (It's hard, but I pray for strength from the Lord, because otherwise, I couldn't handle it at all!)


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