Holy Spirit, Reign in Me...
...or rain on me!
Happy Pentecost! What a joyous day to remember that as followers of Jesus Christ, we merely need to ask for the power of the Holy Spirt and it is ours! That glorious power that enables us to have peace and strength and wisdom and hope is a gift that is abundant because of His eternal love for us.
Happy Pentecost! What a joyous day to remember that as followers of Jesus Christ, we merely need to ask for the power of the Holy Spirt and it is ours! That glorious power that enables us to have peace and strength and wisdom and hope is a gift that is abundant because of His eternal love for us.
I appreciate your stopping by. Did you read about the Pentecost concert at my other, other blog? I think you'll like the pastor's comments.
If you get a chance and have interest, I 'd liek to know what you thin of being conservatieva nd librarian. How does it effect your life? I know finding time to blog is difficult.
Since I was inspired to blog in the first place by reading SHUSH and following Greg's links, I probably should write about my experiences as a conservative and librarian. I think I'll get started. Thanks for the interest.
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