Monday, December 04, 2006

New Memories & Old Memories

Last night my two daughters donned their best "princess" dresses and sang their hearts our at our church's Christmas concert.

My nine-year old looked so elegant in a nearly floor-length gold sleeveless dress with black velvet "shrug". The round neckline had a bit of black beading that only added to the grace of her dress. Her patent leather shoes were just perfect for her age and her brown hair flowed just below her shoulders. She smiled brightly through the entire performance, her face glowing with the spirit of God within. When the time came for her to take her turn to sing a small solo, her voice was strong, filled with a love for Jesus and the grace of God. [Hours before, she cried on the floor of her bedroom about how scared she was to sing. I reassured her that God would take care of that and He is always faithful.]

My little one, who might have been the youngest three-year old involved, nearly exploded with glee when she saw herself in the mirror with her black patent leather "tappy shoes" and burgundy satin dress, complete with its embroidered flowers and crinoline. She took her place on the lowest riser and stayed there for the entire 30 minute performance. She even sang many of the songs as I knew she could (at least in the car and at the store!). She did some hand motions with the group and then made up her own, mostly playing with her eyes and tucking her hair behind her ears. She only lifted her dress for a brief moment and then bent down to look at her shoes for another minute or two.

The performance was filled with old and new songs~some backed with a cd and some accompanied by our director of music. Everything from a more contemporary, "Christmas is a Time for Love" to "Great is Thy Faithfulness and "Away in the Manger." Sign language, a few props for little ones to hold, scarves to wave and plenty of solos and memorized lines to go around. And it lasted a pleasant 30-40 minutes, "Joy to the World" and cookies, punch, coffee, and fellowship. Now I have the Christmas spirit!

Later at dinner, my parents and I shared some highlights of Christmas pageants of the past with my husband and daughters~

~The year my brother was about 3 and he tossed the "baby Jesus" (my doll that my kids still play with) over the manger as he sang "...take us to heaven to sleep on the hay..."~

~How I remember my friend, Nancy's memory verse to this day because it was much easier than mine: "I is for the Inn where Mary and Joseph found no place to stay."

~The year I got to be an angel and my mom let me wear lipstick, even during the reception in the fellowship hall afterwards. (I was very careful so it would last.) I was in about the 3rd grade and I finally got to wear a pretty costume. In the preceding years, I had to memorize verses instead and was so envious of the angels and Mary who didn't do anything but look pretty.

~My oldest daughter's first Christmas pageant right after I met my husband. I was going to that church because of the singles group, but it was a huge church and had a great youth program. She was 4 and only sang a couple of songs, but it is still a great memory.

This evening was a beautifully wrapped package reminding me that these are the times to remember and hold dear~


Blogger Norma said...

I can just see them--and the proud parents in the audience. A precious memory--both the new and the old.

Thanks for stopping by, and if you start on the TT a few days early, it's a lot easier.

5:56 PM  
Blogger ChupieandJ'smama (Janeen) said...

Such a sweet post and beautifully written. I could almost see your beautiful girls singing their hearts out at church. I like the memory of your brother tossing the baby Jesus. Sounds like something my brother would have done. Thanks for visiting:)

7:21 PM  

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